Frequently Asked Questions


What size grain bin should I buy?


This is really a complex question, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. For example, there are many different bin diameters and ring heights to achieve the same number of bushels. Footprint availability, price, fill equipment reach, etc. will likely reduce the options down to the answer. It is best to reach out to one of our sales representatives to assist you with your site needs.


Why should I buy a grain dryer from you?


There are many reasons, but here are a few statements to challenge your thinking:

  • All dryers on the market dry grain. however, they are not all equal.  You can dry your grain with a sock and a hair dryer if you really want to.    Efficiency matters, ask us to prove it!
  • All dryers are made by man, and all things made by man will eventually break.  Since God isn’t in the business of making grain dryers, the question then becomes, “What happens when my dryer breaks?”   Service matters! We have a skilled service team and a manufacturer who will stand behind us to ensure you are taken care of promptly.
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